Thursday, June 25, 2009

Baby Pics!

Hello family... Well, it's been a roller coaster ride following the C-section. Medications didn't work following surgery, not sleeping much when they did, getting to see Adalynn around 1am, hearing that the surgery itself was a miracle and just short of a hysterectomy... But I wanted to include some pictures of our Mirakel. Elizabeth, thank you for your amazing words and wisdom. You should be writing for Southern Living, my friend... I have always admired how you express yourself in words! Thank you for helping us in sharing the joy of our little girl to the world... I'm just so thankful to you! (I'll always be indebted to Elizabeth as she helped me get into the "blog world." This has been such therapy for me, and hopefully a wonderful baby book for Adalynn!)

I know I'm super duper biased...but I think Adalynn is just beautiful. Her skin color, her eyes, her hair, her perfectly shaped head, her cute little lips... she's an angel! She was a little jaundice and they've had to keep her under a "sun lamp" her skin is a little red in these pictures. But I think you can tell that she's got a proud mom and dad!

Adalynn on her birthday... They have kept a breathing tube in her since she went into the incubator. But we hear that she is doing so well, she will be breathing on her own tonight (6-25)

Me getting to hold her for the first time (1:00 in the morning!). She never closed her eyes...her baby blues just locked with mine the entire time!

Everyone's been asking about her hair...what color?, how much? Here's a picture of the back of her head, and this was after she had a bath. I think she's got her momma's and her big brother Dane's hair!

Proud Daddy... this was his first time to hold his baby girl!

Adalynn, we are just so proud of you. The nurses in the NICU said that they NEVER thought you'd be doing this well after being in the womb for five weeks with very little amniotic fluid! You are such a fighter. And once again, you've overcome any kind of odds that were against you! You, our girl, are a Noble Miracle!


  1. I am so happy for you and the family!! God is so much bigger than we realize until a miracle like this happens. Thank you, Abba Father for this precious Adalynn Mirakel Olsen!! Iknow you will use her mightily for Your Kingdom.
    Love from all the Morrissey's

  2. Oh, Karen! She is beautiful beyond words. Her hair! I love me some baby hair. Thank you for posting pictures. It so helps those of us who wish to be there, feel there. Just for the record, I think we've seen two miracles in one folks. You listen to those doctors, mkay? Rest up. Miss you. Love you. To pieces.

  3. she's so beautiful. love that hair!

  4. How precious! Thanks for posting pics!

  5. She is so precious! I'm so thankful to see you holding her so soon. Such a little miracle! Living up to her name. :)

  6. atta girl.. both of you are fighters... congrats

  7. She is absolutely gorgeous!! She looks like she is doing awesome! And you look great too-never would have known what you had just been through:) Congrats Mama and Daddy!!!

  8. Beautiful little girl. I can't wait to meet her!

  9. That's awesome MOM! I'm so happy to be a big brother!


  10. adalynn is so cute your lucky mrs.olsen
    and sporty dude awesome guy being a big brother is so awesome i no because i am one

  11. and tht last message was frum jake qualls
