Saturday, June 20, 2009

Like Mother Like Daughter and Daughter

It was another family reunion day! We had such a wonderful time just being together. I feel so sorry for all of them because they were stuck in a hospital room with me. But, boy, did we laugh and laugh! In fact, I learned that when I did laugh so hard, my water kept leaking... so I kept telling Mark to quit! Oh, it felt good to be all together again and just reminisce. I sure wish we all lived closer...

Dave, Mark and Dad working on Mark's fantasy baseball roster

Dad, Dave, me, Mark and Mom in a rare family photo.

These are two of my favorite ladies... and boy have they gone to the moon and back for our family during this whole Adalynn journey. I really don't know what I'd do without them!
(Aunt Pat and Mom)

Aunt Pat and Mom are the daughters of Adaline (my grandmother, and the one we are naming Adalynn after). I think that these two are more than just sisters...they are best friends! You won't find anyone more hospitable, self-less, loving, nurturing, servant-hearted and family-oriented. They are the best examples of a Mother and Aunt than you could ever have... I count myself VERY fortunate to have these two angels in my life!

During this whole "incubation period," Aunt Pat and Mom have been taxis, laundry fairies, cooks, personal shoppers, entertainment providers, swimming pool buddies, countless other things... and never once have they been without a smile. They are looking so forward to Adalynn being here--and I think it means so much to them to have this little girl named after their mother!

So... like Mother (Grandma Adaline) like daughter (Aunt Pat) and daughter (Mom)... and hopefully like great granddaughter (Adalynn) too! What an amazing legacy! Adalynn, I hope and pray you are just like your Memaw and Great Aunt!

"...her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Proverbs 31:28-29

1 comment:

  1. I truly think this apple has fallen very close to that family tree!!
    Love you and can't wait to see miss Adalynn!
